Healthcare Science: Spotlight your work! (Register interest to present)

Healthcare Science: Spotlight your work! (Register interest to present)

All news May 27, 2024

Healthcare Science: Spotlight your work! (Register interest to present)

Communicating science is an important skill and our “Spotlight your work!” webinars are all about the art of presenting: you're passionate about your work and believe in it, but can you enthuse others? Being able to do this is increasingly necessary as we progress into senior roles, and it is never too early to start! Whatever the stages of your training and your project - we extend an opportunity to practice explaining your work to a wider audience.

Register your interest
Register your interest in having the opportunity to present at one of our webinars by using the following MS Form. Once we have a sufficient cohort, we will contact participants and organise a suitable date. The webinar would be one hour with a mix of presentations and a panel to provide feedback. So register your interest and let’s turn on the spotlights!

If selected, what would be involved?
Our only stipulation is that talks are no more than 10 minutes to explain your idea. It can be a tour of a poster you have done, some PowerPoint slides describing a project or an idea you may have or, if you prefer, simply a talk. It is a safe space to gain experience, to get feedback and also to get recognition. They are an excellent opportunity to highlight the work Healthcare Scientists are doing to improve healthcare across NHS Scotland.

Last updated: May 27, 2024